Desk Upgrades

After a few weeks of working at a desk with limited extra space I decided it was time to add some extra features.  Everything here was designed from scratch in AutoCAD, sliced in CURA and printed on my desktop 3D printer.

Aside from being excellent quality of life upgrades, these small projects gave me the motivation to upgrade and fine-tune my 3D printer.

First up was a plywood shelf attached to my main monitor.  I’d seen things like this on Amazon but I figured I could make one that fits exactly, and can be adjusted in the future.

Next I needed to be able to see an extra screen and / or a clipboard.  The fit for these stands is intentionally loose so they can accept  multiple solutions.

Finally, I found myself accidentally pushing items off the back side of lower shelves.  To fix this I designed and printed brackets that clip onto the desk and hold a small piece of plywood as a backboard.