This table was designed as part of a digital fabrication course. The assignment was to build a table out of a sheet of plywood, but I figured that as long as I was paying for the materials I would use as many sheets as I wanted. In hindsight the single sheet limitation would have lead to a more elegant solution than I used, which was to just cut a whole bunch of shapes and stack them up.

The center section was meant to be swapped out depending on the intended use at any particular time. The default center is just a small sculpture of an ethanol molecule, the larger one is a pedestal for dispensing liquids, and the third is for a decanter and glasses.
What I didn’t account for with the dispenser was that black rubber is not suitable for constant contact with liquid, especially something corrosive like alcohol. Re-making the spouts with a food-safe stopper would be necessary.
The two removable pieces are supposed to be used as side tables for accompanying chairs, and then nested back in the table when not in use. Each one is engraved to receive stemless glasses.